Qualified Social Workers

For many years now the ADS has offered a high quality Assessed and Supported Year in Employment (ASYE) programme to newly qualified Social Workers. The aim of this programme is to continue the development of skills and knowledge essential to Social Work within a supportive framework during the crucial first year in practice. Staff on the programme have access to ASYE supervision either on a one to one or group basis, or both. Participants will have an appointed Assessor who themselves will be an experienced Social Worker who is employed directly by the agency.

This model ensures staff have access to high quality and knowledgeable guidance at all times to reinforce their practical learning. Staff on the programme undertake a range of accredited training through the ADS as well as access to training through our NHS partners. We are registered with Skills for Care to provide the programme which gives staff access to a wealth of information, tools as well as informative regional forums with others on the programme, as well as being part of the Humber Social Work Teaching partnership which also provides a range of development opportunities for our newly qualified staff.