Terms & Conditions

ADS website Terms & Conditions

The following terms and conditions govern your access to, and use of the ADS websites located at www.ads-uk.org and www.adsbenefits.co.uk (“the Websites”). Please read these terms and conditions carefully.


Using or accessing the Websites indicates your acceptance of these terms and conditions. ADS may change these terms and conditions at any time by updating this page. You should visit these terms and conditions each time you visit the Websites to review the current terms and conditions by which you must abide. All communications regarding the Websites should be addressed to web controller info@ads-uk.org

Company Information

These Websites are operated by ADS a company incorporated in England and Wales Company No. 05375809, Registered Charity No. England 1108595 and registered address 82 Spring Bank, Hull, HU3 1AB.


Access to and use of the Websites and the services offered on the Websites (including where applicable live chat services, tutorial downloads, information downloads, FAQs) are provided and permitted on a temporary basis and are subject to these Terms and Conditions. The Alcohol & Drug Service do not guarantee the availability of the Websites or any of the services offered on the Websites. The Alcohol & Drug Service reserves the right to revise, change, modify, delete, or suspend the content of any part of the Websites and/or any of the services it provides on the Websites without notice at any time in its sole discretion. ADS do not accept any responsibility or liability whatsoever for any interruption or discontinuance of any or all functionality of the Websites for any reason. The Alcohol & Drug Service is under no obligation to update any information contained on the Websites. The Alcohol & Drug Service reserves the right in its sole discretion, to terminate your access to all or part of the Websites or the services offered on the Websites with or without notice.


The content within this website is the copyright of The Alcohol & Drug Service. Visitors must not copy, distribute, or publish any material from this website without the formal permission of The Alcohol & Drug Service.

We hold no responsibility for alterations made to material once obtained from our website.


We strive to ensure that the information contained in this website is accurate, complete and up-to-date. However, The Alcohol & Drug Service is constantly evolving to ensure the best service we can provide. Therefore, we cannot guarantee that all the information is accurate and consistent. Nothing on the Websites should be construed as legal or medical advice.


Links from this site to other websites are provided for information and convenience only. We cannot accept responsibility for the sites linked to, or the information found there. A link does not imply an endorsement of a site; likewise, not linking to a particular site does not imply lack of endorsement.

Exclusion of Liability

To the maximum extent permitted by law, The Alcohol & Drug Service expressly disclaims any and all liability for any damages, including without limitation direct or indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, losses or expenses arising in connection with the Websites, services, materials or information contained therein, use of or reliance on this information.


Should you send any information, images, comment, or data of any nature to the Websites by email or otherwise, you must ensure that such material is not defamatory or offensive, untrue, racially offensive or an incitement to racial hatred or otherwise in breach of an individual’s right to privacy or human rights or actionable in law in any jurisdiction. If you do post such material on the Websites, The Alcohol & Drug Service reserves the right to remove it without reference to you and co-operate with any investigation by the authorities or court order relating to it, any and all consequences that may directly or indirectly follow will be entirely your responsibly not the responsibility of The Alcohol & Drug Service. You agree to indemnify and hold The Alcohol & Drug Service harmless from any action or consequences that may arise in such circumstances, including any claims by third parties.

All information submitted via the Websites including any questions you may submit to The Alcohol & Drug Service whether via the support pages, emails to, any live chat service or otherwise shall be deemed and remain the property of The Alcohol & Drug Service which shall be free to use, alter, modify, decompile, electronically reproduce, distribute or publicly perform or display this information for any purpose, any ideas, concepts or know-how contained in such information. The Alcohol & Drug Service shall not be subject to any obligations of confidentiality regarding submitted information except as outlined in the Privacy Policy or as otherwise specifically agreed or required by law.

Privacy Statement

The Alcohol & Drug Service is committed to the privacy of individuals using this website. The site does not collect any personal information about those using this site or use cookies to track and log information about users. We may analyse the

server log files which contain details of the Internet address (IP address) of computers using the site, pages looked at, the times of day and the type of web browser used. None of this information is linked to individuals. This privacy statement discloses the privacy practices for www.ads-uk.org. It applies solely to this website.

The Alcohol & Drug Service processes information about visitors to the Websites in accordance with the Privacy Policy. By using the Websites, you consent to such processing, and you warrant that all data that you provide is accurate.

You further warrant that any data of any third party provided by you, whether by sending messages to our email addresses, filling in any forms, using any online chat service or otherwise, is provided by you with the full informed consent of the relevant party and is accurate. You will not provide any data of any third party concerning that individual’s race, ethnic origin, political or religious beliefs or physical or mental health or any information which may be considered sensitive information.

The Alcohol & Drug Service shall have the right to disclose your identity to any third party who is claiming that any information or material provided, posted or uploaded by you to the Websites constitutes a violation of their intellectual property rights or of their right to privacy without liability to you.

Applying for Jobs On-line

We collect the personal information you disclose on the application form to enable us to short list people for interview. If you are not shortlisted we retain the application form for 1 year after it is submitted and if you are interviewed but are unsuccessful we will also retain the notes panel members made at your interview for 1 year, in line with our ADS Data Retention Policy

On-line Donations

We may receive information about you where you’ve made a donation to us through a third-party website (e.g., Just Giving or MyDonate) and given them permission to share your information with us. We do not process this information or share with any third party unless legally required to do so.

Registration for Newsletter

You can opt to subscribe to our free online newsletter. When you do, we only ask for your email address. The information you provide is kept confidential and will be used only to support your relationship with us. We never sell your information. You can “unsubscribe” at any time. If you would rather not receive future emails/online newsletters, please inform us by email at unsubscribe@ads-org.uk.

List of The Alcohol & Drug Service cookies

This is a list of the cookies set by the websites, and what each is used for.

Name Detail Expiry
utma Google Analytics. This cookie is typically written to the browser upon the first visit to our site. This cookie is used to determine unique visitors to our site and it is updated with each page view. Additionally, this cookie is provided with a unique ID that Google Analytics uses to ensure both the validity and accessibility of the cookie as an extra security measure Expires 2 years from set/update
utmb Google Analytics. This cookie is used to establish and continue a user session with your site. When a user views a page on your site, the Google Analytics code attempts to update this cookie. If it does not find the cookie, a new one is written and a new session is established. Each time a user visits a different page on our site, this cookie is updated to expire in 30 minutes, thus continuing a single session for as long as user activity continues within 30-minute intervals Expires 30 minutes from set/update
utmc Google Analytics. Historically, this cookie operated in conjunction with the _utmb cookie to determine whether or not to establish a new session for the user. For backwards compatibility, this cookie will continue to be written and will expire when the user exits the browser when the user exits the browser
utmz Google Analytics. This cookie stores the type of referral used by the visitor to reach our site, whether via a direct method, a referring link, a website search, or a campaign such as an ad or an email link. It is used to calculate search engine traffic, ad campaigns and page navigation within your own site. The cookie is updated with each page view to our site 6 months from set/update
PHPSESSID This cookie is set if you take an action on our site, such as applying for a current vacancy when the user exits the browser


These terms and conditions are subject to change. Any changes we may make to these terms and conditions will be posted on this page. You are bound by such changes and should therefore visit these Terms and Conditions each time you visit the Website. Your continued use of the Websites following the posting of changes will mean you accept those changes.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These Websites are controlled and operated by The Alcohol & Drug Service from our offices in England. Those who visit the Website from other locations do so of their own initiative and are responsible for compliance with all applicable local laws. All access to and use of these Websites, including obtaining the facilities, products or services offered through these Websites and any claims arising from, or related to,

your access to or use of these Websites will be governed by the laws of England & Wales, and you agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts