Putting you in control of your career, enabling you to play to your strengths and follow your interests.


Planning your Career

We provide a clear career map through which you can plan your career.

If you are looking to advance your career through the structure, the career map lays out exactly what you will need to progress.
You can use the map to take advantage of the Trainee roles we offer and each step of the way the mandatory training and career progression training are clearly described. We fund both career progression training from a central fund ensuring that whatever the size or budget of the service you work in the opportunity is available for you.

Link (career map)

Study Leave

Study leave is granted through a clear 5 tier model so you know what you will get when identifying your training.

Study leave is provided where the training is

  • An organisational mandatory or Core requirement
  • Career progression training, as defined by the Career Map
  • Professional development training as identified through the appraisal process.

The entitlement is based on the length of the course and workload. An independent benchmark is used to identify this which is the number of credits a course is awarded through Ofqual. Where a course is not accredited then the study leave entitlement will be benchmarked by comparison to accredited courses.


We’re serious about helping you to plan your career and about supporting and nurturing talent.

We support and encourage your continuous development and view training and development activities as an investment, which will benefit you, service users and, the organisation.

Most of the training you will receive is accredited by nationally recognised awarding bodies and credits awarded by Ofqual. This means it is recognised beyond ADS so whether you spend your whole career with us or, decide to move on, the qualification you gain while with us will continue to support your career and professional development.

Currently ADS offer the only active Diploma in Substance Misuse in England and Wales

Other benefit categories